Graphic Notes by Laura Chow Reeve / Radical Roadmaps
Two Sides of Justice Curriculum
with Santera MatthewsIn this session, we will explore the ‘Two Sides of Justice‘ curriculum by engaging in the activities and discussing how and where this curriculum could be implemented. We will discuss questions like: What is justice? How can we address violence in non-punitive ways? How do carceral systems impact people who cause harm and who have been harmed?
Santera Matthews is a queer, mixed indigenous (Keewenaw Bay Ojibwe) organizer born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. Santera’s work focuses on supporting people who are criminalized for acts of self-defense, facilitating and supporting restorative and transformative justice processes, and supporting LGBTQ people who are incarcerated in Wisconsin as an organizer with Black and Pink.
Two Sides of Justice Curriculum
Two Sides of Justice Soundcloud Stories
Graphic Notes
Slide Deck