Graphic Notes by Laura Chow Reeve / Radical Roadmaps
Loving Justice: Embodied Conflict Resolution & Transformative Justice
with Kai Cheng ThomTransformative Justice and abolition are important values for many of us in social justice and anti-racist movements. But wanting Transformative Justice in theory and staying true to those values in moments of crisis and high emotion can be an enormous challenge.
How do we develop the skills to embody TJ in our day-to-day lives? Kai Cheng Thom's Loving Justice Framework is a somatic and spiritual lens that is intended to help people stay grounded and mindful in situations of interpersonal and systemic conflict. Kai Cheng will present the basics of Loving Justice and provide some practical, trauma-informed tools for participants to take home.
Kai Cheng Thom Resources — Instagram
So You’re Ready To Choose Love Workbook
Loving Justice Slide Deck
Graphic Notes